“In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.” ― John Muir, Influential Environmentalist

For some people, the thought of camping conjures imagery of sitting around a campfire under the stars with friends. For others, it can be more like surviving in harsh conditions for days or weeks on end.

Camping is both-- an activity that requires preparation and organization to make sure everything goes smoothly, but also an activity that takes you out of the daily grind and allows you to reconnect with nature.

Camping can be done almost anywhere, but depending on your goals,  the type of camping you choose makes all the difference. Are you more focused on adventure? Do you want to get closer to nature?

Are you more concerned with minimizing your impact on the environment? All three are possible, but each requires different considerations for choosing where and how to camp.

For a more adventurous camping experience, try going into the backcountry or wilderness. These types of camping trips are usually multi-day and have you carrying all of your supplies in a backpack to a campsite that is at least several miles from the nearest road.

This type of trip usually involves hiking, climbing over fallen trees, finding good places to set up camp, and spending the night under the stars.

Just be sure to stock on the right gear, and know how to stay safe.